Newton, MA Termite Control: What You Need to Know

Jun 28, 2024 | News

Newton’s History and Pest Challenges

Dealing with termite pest control in Newton, MA requires both expertise and a deep understanding of the area’s unique challenges. Nestled in Middlesex County, Newton has a rich history dating back to the 1630s when it was first settled. Known as “The Garden City,” Newton boasts historic homes like the Jackson Homestead and Durant-Kenrick House, offering glimpses into its storied past.

Yet, along with its historical charm, Newton faces pest issues, with termites being one of the most persistent threats. These wood-destroying insects can silently wreak havoc on your property if not addressed promptly.

If you’re just looking for quick insights on handling termites in Newton:

  • Seasonal Inspections: Regular checks can identify early signs of termite activity.
  • Professional Help: Engage local experts familiar with Newton-specific pest issues.
  • Preventive Measures: Keep an eye on moisture control and wood treatment.

My name is Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control. With over 40 years of experience in termite pest control in Newton, MA, my team and I are committed to safeguarding your home from these destructive pests. Let’s explore how we can help you achieve a termite-free environment.

Termite Pest Control Tips - termite pest control newton ma infographic roadmap-5-steps

Understanding Termites

Termites are silent destroyers. They can cause significant damage to your home before you even notice them. Understanding their behavior and how they differ from other pests like carpenter ants is crucial.

Termite vs. Carpenter Ants

Termite Behavior

Termites are social insects that live in colonies. They feed on cellulose, a component found in wood, which makes your home a potential feast for them. Termite colonies can be massive, with numbers ranging from 50,000 to 250,000 termites. They work tirelessly, chewing through wood and causing structural damage.

Wood Damage

Termites eat wood from the inside out. This often leaves the exterior of the wood looking normal, while inside, it’s hollowed out. You might notice a honeycomb pattern if you break open a piece of infested wood. This type of damage can compromise the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs.

Termite Swarms

Swarmers are reproductive termites that leave the colony to start new ones. Seeing a swarm indoors is a red flag indicating a nearby termite colony. These swarmers are often mistaken for ants but have distinct characteristics:

  • Straight antennae versus the bent antennae of ants.
  • Equal-sized wings compared to ants’ larger front wings.
  • Thicker waist as opposed to the narrow waist of ants.

termite swarm - termite pest control newton ma

Carpenter Ants

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. Instead, they nest in it. They hollow out galleries in wood to create their nests, which can also cause structural damage but in a different manner. Carpenter ants are most active from dusk till dawn, making their presence harder to detect during the day.

Key Differences

  • Diet: Termites eat wood, while carpenter ants nest in wood.
  • Damage Pattern: Termites leave behind hollowed wood with a honeycomb pattern. Carpenter ants create smooth, sanded tunnels.
  • Physical Characteristics: Termites have straight antennae, equal-sized wings, and thick bodies. Carpenter ants have bent antennae, unequal-sized wings, and narrow waists.

Understanding these differences can help you identify the type of pest problem you have. If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult with experts in termite pest control in Newton, MA. They can provide accurate identification and effective treatment options.

Next, we’ll delve into the signs of a termite infestation and how to spot them early.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Identifying a termite infestation early can save you significant time and money. Here are the most common signs to watch for:

Mud Tubes

Termites build mud tubes as protective tunnels between their colony and food sources. These tubes are usually found on walls, foundations, or other solid structures. They are about the width of a pencil and are made from soil, wood, and termite saliva.

Why mud tubes? Termites are sensitive to light and dry air. The tubes help them stay moist and hidden while they travel.

Discarded Wings

Another telltale sign is discarded wings. Termite swarmers (reproductives) shed their wings after they find a mate and establish a new colony. You might find these wings near windows, doors, or other entry points.

Fun fact: Termite wings are equal in size and have a translucent, slightly milky appearance. If you see a pile of wings, it’s a strong indicator of a nearby termite colony.

Hollow Wood

Termites eat wood from the inside out, leaving a thin surface layer intact. If you tap on wood and it sounds hollow, you might have termite damage. You can also probe the wood with a screwdriver or knife. If it breaks easily, termites might be the culprits.

Pro tip: Look for blistered or darkened wood. These are signs that termites have been feasting inside.

Other Signs

  • Frass (termite droppings): Small, pellet-like droppings near wood structures.
  • Buckling paint or wallpaper: Moisture from termite activity can cause paint or wallpaper to bubble or peel.
  • Damaged wood structures: Doors, window frames, and baseboards can show visible damage.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to consult with experts in termite pest control in Newton, MA. They can accurately diagnose the problem and recommend effective treatment options.

Next, we’ll explore the inspection and assessment process for termite infestations.

Termite Pest Control Newton, MA

Inspection and Assessment

When it comes to termite pest control in Newton, MA, the first step is a thorough home inspection. This is crucial for identifying the type and extent of the infestation. Waltham Pest Control has been serving the area for over 40 years, offering unmatched local expertise. Their skilled technicians know exactly where to look and what to look for.

During the inspection, they will:

  • Identify pests: Determine if you’re dealing with termites or other pests like carpenter ants.
  • Assess damage: Check for structural damage and signs of termite activity.
  • Evaluate risk factors: Look for conditions that may attract termites, such as moisture or wood-to-ground contact.

Treatment Options

Once the inspection is complete, it’s time to choose a treatment plan. Waltham Pest Control offers several options tailored to your specific needs:

  • Chemical Treatments: These involve applying termiticides to soil or wood to kill existing termites and prevent new infestations.
  • Bait Systems: These use bait stations placed around your home. Termites consume the bait and bring it back to the colony, effectively eliminating it.
  • Non-Chemical Methods: Options like heat treatments or nematodes can be used for those who prefer eco-friendly solutions.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is just as important as treatment. To keep termites at bay, consider these preventive measures:

  • Moisture Control: Termites thrive in moist conditions. Fix leaks and ensure proper drainage around your home.
  • Wood Treatment: Treat exposed wood with borate solutions to make it less appealing to termites.
  • Regular Inspections: Schedule routine inspections with Waltham Pest Control to catch any new infestations early.

By following these steps, you can protect your home from the costly damage termites can cause.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about termite control.

Frequently Asked Questions about Termite Control

What is the difference between a termite and a carpenter ant?

Termites and carpenter ants can both cause significant damage to your home, but they do so in different ways.

  • Termites eat wood. They consume it as their primary food source. This can weaken the structural integrity of your home over time.
  • Carpenter ants nest in wood. They don’t eat it but excavate it to create tunnels and nests. This nesting can still damage your home, but not as rapidly as termites.

Identifying the pest correctly is crucial for effective treatment. Termites have straight antennae and equal-sized wings, while carpenter ants have bent antennae and wings of different sizes.

How long does it take to get rid of termites?

The time it takes to eliminate termites depends on several factors:

  • Extent of the Infestation: A small colony might be eradicated in a few weeks, while a larger infestation could take months.
  • Type of Treatment Used: Chemical treatments can act faster but may require multiple applications. Bait systems take longer as they rely on termites carrying poison back to their colony.

Follow-up inspections are essential. They ensure the treatment was effective and help catch any re-infestation early. Regular check-ups are a part of a comprehensive pest control plan.

What is the termite treatment process?

Treating termites involves several steps to ensure the infestation is completely eradicated and does not return.

  1. Inspection and Assessment: A thorough home inspection identifies the extent of the infestation and the exact termite species.
  2. Chemical Treatments: These involve applying termiticides to affected areas. The chemicals kill termites on contact or when they ingest treated wood.
  3. Bait Systems: Bait stations are placed around your home. Termites feed on the bait and carry it back to their colony, gradually killing it.
  4. Preventive Measures: Addressing moisture issues, treating exposed wood, and scheduling regular inspections help prevent future infestations.

Waltham Pest Control uses safe and effective chemicals to treat termite infestations. They also provide preventive measures to keep your home termite-free in the long run.

For more detailed information on termite control and to schedule an inspection, visit Waltham Pest Control.


When it comes to termite pest control in Newton, MA, Waltham Pest Control stands out with its local expertise and comprehensive solutions.

With over 40 years of experience, we understand the unique pest challenges in Newton and the surrounding areas. Our team is well-versed in the behavior and seasonal patterns of termites, ensuring that we can tackle infestations effectively and prevent future problems.

Why Choose Waltham Pest Control?

  1. Local Expertise: Our technicians are familiar with the specific termite activity in Middlesex County. This local knowledge allows us to provide targeted and effective treatments.

  2. Comprehensive Solutions: We offer a full range of services, from initial inspections and assessments to treatment and preventive measures. Whether it’s chemical treatments, bait systems, or non-chemical methods, we have the right solution for your home.

  3. Customer Satisfaction: We pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. As noted in our blog, we continue to provide top-notch pest control services that meet or exceed state and local regulatory requirements.

  4. Preventive Measures: Beyond treating current infestations, we help homeowners implement preventive measures. This includes moisture control, wood treatment, and regular inspections to keep termites at bay.

For more detailed information on our termite control services and to schedule an inspection, visit Waltham Pest Control. Let us help you protect your home from termites and ensure peace of mind.

Protect your home today with Waltham Pest Control!

Newton, MA Termite Control: What You Need to Know

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