Carpenter Bees, Wasps & Hornet Control

Carpenter Bee Removal – Wasps Nest – Hornets Nest – Exterminator – Waltham Pest Control Located in Burlington, MA Call 781-893-2146

Waltham Pest Control has been providing professional pest control services for over 30 years throughout communities in Massachusetts. We are conveniently located in Burlington, MA and we service residential and commercial clients throughout the greater Boston area. There are many different types of bees and wasps in New England. Massachusetts is home to hornets, wasps, and carpenter bees. They do not normally live indoors but rather along the eaves or on the outside walls of homes. If you are having trouble with carpenter bees, wasps, or hornets it is best to have a professional pest control company treat or remove the nest. Be sure to note the location of the hive or entry point and approximately how high off the ground the carpenter bee hive or hornets nest is located.

Call Waltham Pest Control today for a carpenter bee, wasp or hornet treatment estimate and our experienced exterminator will remove your carpenter bees, wasps, and hornets from your Massachusetts property 781-893-2146.

Carpenter Bee Control in Massachusetts

Male carpenter bees are solid black, they also cannot sting. The females are tan in color and sting quite well. Carpenter bees are sometimes mistaken for bumblebees; however, carpenter bees are shiny with less hair. Carpenter bees are solitary bees burrowing holes the size of a dime or penny into wood patio covers, eaves, and other places. Average size is one inch in length.

Wasps Exterminator in Massachusetts

Wasps are generally seen as a benefit to the environment, wasps are predatory flying insects. Wasps species are a great source of organic pest control on gardens, farms, and crops. There are generally two types of wasps, solitary and social wasps. Social wasp species live in large numbers. Wasp nests are abandoned by late autumn; the remaining queens also leave and over-winter until spring. Wasps eat meat and sweets. Wasps can be more hot-tempered than carpenter bees, and should be treated with caution.

Yellow Jacket Control in Massachusetts

Often mistaken for honeybees, yellow jackets are a bit smaller in size, and are also brighter yellow as to the more orange color of honeybees. They are scavengers eating meats and sweets and often found in parks or disrupting parties, picnics or other park events. They have a stinger without barbs and can sting repeatedly without dying. Yellow jacket stings most often cause a swelling reaction followed by itching for a couple days. They are very aggressive defenders and are generally found nesting in holes in the ground; though occasionally nest in wall voids and attics. Seasonally, yellow jacket colonies reach a size of 4,000 to 5,000 workers and a nest of 10,000 to 15,000 cells in August and early September. Like all wasps, yellow jackets abandon their nest by late autumn. Yellow jackets attached to the house will not survive through winter and the queens abandon the nest and hibernate until early spring, with 95% of them hibernating in attics. Waltham Pest Control strongly recommends you do not try to remove a yellow jackets nest yourself.

Hornet Exterminator in Massachusetts

Hornets can sometimes look similar to yellow jackets, but hornets are larger and thicker. Hornets are slightly less aggressive than yellow jackets and like most wasps, hornets can sting multiple times with a very strong painful sting. Hornets build warped ball-shaped nests the size of a football or soccer ball in eaves, attics, and buildings, including bushes and trees.

Paper Wasp Exterminator in Massachusetts

There are many species of paper wasps in the US. Paper wasps average 3/4″ to 1 1/2″ long; yellow and black in appearance. Nests are made of grayish brown papery material. Paper wasp nests are relatively small containing 4 to 30 wasps per nest. Paper wasps are often found hanging under the eaves, but can also be found in attics, trees, as well as other structures. Paper wasps attack when aggravated and have a painful sting; they can also sting multiple times and do not lose their stinger.

If you have a problem with Carpenter Bees, Wasps, or Hornets at your Massachusetts home or business, call Waltham Pest Control today for a carpenter bee removal estimate at 781-893-2146 or complete our pest control estimate request form.
