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Steps to Control Nuisance Animals in North Andover, MA

by | Aug 20, 2024

Nuisance Animal Control North Andover: Top 5 Effective Steps



Nuisance animal control North Andover is essential for maintaining the safety and beauty of this quintessential New England town. Nestled on the banks of the Merrimack River, North Andover boasts stunning scenery and historic charm. However, the local wildlife, including raccoons, squirrels, and bats, can become problematic when they encroach on homes and businesses.

To address nuisance animals effectively:

  • Identify the animal: Be aware of common nuisances like raccoons, birds, and bats.
  • Inspect your property: Look for entry points and signs of animal activity.
  • Use exclusion techniques: Seal off entry points and install barriers.
  • Contact professionals: For humane removal and effective pest management.

I’m Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control, with over 40 years of experience in nuisance animal control North Andover. Our team is dedicated to providing effective and humane solutions to protect your property and ensure your peace of mind.

Infographic showing steps to control nuisance animals in North Andover, including identification, inspection, exclusion, and contact with professionals - nuisance animal control north andover infographic pillar-4-steps

Understanding Nuisance Animals in North Andover

North Andover is a beautiful town, but its natural beauty attracts various wildlife that can become a nuisance. Understanding these animals and the risks they pose is the first step in managing them effectively.

Common Nuisance Animals

North Andover is home to a variety of wildlife that can become problematic when they invade homes and businesses. Here are some of the most common nuisance animals in the area:

  • Raccoons: Known for their dexterous paws and curious nature, raccoons can cause significant damage by tearing up insulation and chewing through wires. They are also carriers of diseases like rabies and raccoon roundworm.
  • Squirrels: These agile creatures often find their way into attics and walls, creating nests that can lead to structural damage. They can also carry diseases such as rabies and Powassan virus.
  • Bats: While beneficial for controlling insect populations, bats can become a health hazard if they roost in homes. Their droppings can cause respiratory illnesses like Histoplasmosis.
  • Opossums: These nocturnal animals can enter homes through pet doors or open garages, creating messes and potentially spreading diseases such as leptospirosis.
  • Birds: Certain bird species can become a nuisance by nesting in vents, gutters, and chimneys. Bird droppings can damage property and harbor diseases like histoplasmosis.
  • Rats and Mice: These rodents can chew through walls, wires, and food supplies, posing serious health risks due to the diseases they carry, such as hantavirus and salmonella.

Common Nuisance Animals - nuisance animal control north andover

Risks and Dangers

The presence of nuisance animals in your home or business can lead to several risks and dangers:

1. Diseases: Many nuisance animals are carriers of diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets. For example, raccoons are known carriers of rabies and roundworm, while bats can spread rabies and Histoplasmosis through their droppings.

2. Property Damage: Animals like squirrels and raccoons can cause extensive damage by chewing through wood, insulation, and electrical wiring. Birds can clog vents with their nests, and rodents can gnaw through almost any material, leading to costly repairs.

3. Health Hazards: Animal droppings and urine can contaminate surfaces and air quality, leading to respiratory issues and other health problems. For instance, bird droppings can cause histoplasmosis, a serious respiratory illness.

4. Safety Concerns: Some animals, such as raccoons and opossums, can become aggressive if they feel threatened, posing a risk to humans and pets.

Risks and Dangers of Nuisance Animals - nuisance animal control north andover infographic simple-stat-green

By understanding the common nuisance animals in North Andover and the risks they pose, you can take proactive steps to protect your property and health. In the next section, we will discuss the legal considerations for managing these animals humanely and effectively.

When dealing with nuisance animals in North Andover, it’s important to understand the legal considerations, especially regarding the relocation of wildlife like raccoons.

Is it Illegal to Relocate Raccoons in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Law: In Massachusetts, relocating raccoons and other wildlife is subject to strict regulations. According to the Massachusetts General Laws (MGL c. 140, §§ 136A to 174E), handling wildlife must be done humanely and in accordance with state guidelines.

Capture and Relocation: While capturing a raccoon may seem like a straightforward solution, relocating them is not always legal. The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) provides guidelines that must be followed to ensure humane treatment. For example, it is illegal to relocate a raccoon to a different area if it poses a risk of spreading diseases or if the new location is not suitable for its survival.

Legal Restrictions: The law generally requires that captured raccoons be released on the same property where they were trapped or humanely euthanized if relocation is not an option. This is to prevent the spread of diseases like rabies and raccoon roundworm, which are prevalent among raccoons in Massachusetts.

Safety Measures: When handling raccoons, it is crucial to follow safety measures to protect yourself and the animal. Always wear gloves and use a live trap designed for raccoons. If you suspect the raccoon is sick or injured, contact a professional wildlife control service immediately.

Humane Treatment: Humane treatment is a priority in wildlife control. This means using live traps instead of lethal methods and ensuring that the captured animal does not suffer. The MSPCA and other wildlife organizations advocate for humane solutions that balance animal welfare with public safety.

By understanding these legal considerations, you can ensure that your approach to nuisance animal control in North Andover is both effective and compliant with state laws. In the next section, we’ll discuss the steps you can take to control nuisance animals on your property.

Steps to Control Nuisance Animals in North Andover

Inspection and Identification

The first step in nuisance animal control in North Andover is to perform a thorough inspection of your property. This helps in identifying entry points and assessing the extent of damage caused by the animals.

  1. Property Inspection: Walk around your home or business to look for signs of animal activity. Check for droppings, gnaw marks, and nesting materials.
  2. Identifying Entry Points: Look for holes, gaps, and openings in your walls, roof, and foundation. Common entry points include vents, chimneys, and gaps under doors.
  3. Assessing Damage: Determine the extent of damage to your property. This includes chewed wires, damaged insulation, and contaminated areas.

Exclusion Techniques

Once you have identified the entry points, the next step is to exclude the animals from your property. This involves sealing off these entry points and making your home less attractive to wildlife.

  1. Sealing Entry Points: Use materials like steel mesh, caulk, and weather stripping to seal gaps and holes. Ensure that vents and chimneys are covered with sturdy screens.
  2. Installing Barriers: For ground-dwelling animals like skunks and opossums, consider installing underground fencing to prevent them from burrowing under your home.
  3. Underground Fencing: This involves burying a fence at least a foot deep around the perimeter of your property to deter animals from digging their way in.

Humane Removal Methods

If animals have already made their way into your home, humane removal techniques are essential. This ensures the safety of both the animals and your family.

  1. Live Trapping: Use live traps to capture the animals without harming them. Place the traps near entry points or in areas where you have noticed activity.
  2. Safe Handling: Always wear gloves and other protective gear when handling live traps. Follow all safety guidelines to avoid bites and scratches.
  3. Professional Services: For larger infestations or dangerous animals, it’s best to call in professional wildlife control services. They have the expertise and equipment to handle the situation safely and humanely.

Prevention Strategies

After removing the animals, it’s crucial to implement prevention strategies to ensure they don’t return.

  1. Sanitization: Clean up any droppings, nesting materials, and other contaminants. This not only removes potential health hazards but also eliminates scents that may attract other animals.
  2. Habitat Modification: Make your property less inviting to wildlife. This includes trimming overgrown vegetation, securing garbage cans, and removing food sources.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Conduct regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that your home remains secure. Check for new entry points and seal them promptly.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and prevent nuisance animals from invading your property. For more complex situations, always consider reaching out to professional services like Waltham Pest Control. They offer comprehensive solutions custom to your specific needs.

Professional Nuisance Animal Control Services

Why Choose Waltham Pest Control?

When it comes to nuisance animal control in North Andover, choosing the right professional service is crucial. Waltham Pest Control stands out for several reasons:

Experience: With over 40 years in the pest control industry, Waltham Pest Control has seen it all. Their extensive experience means they know the best strategies for dealing with any nuisance animal situation, from raccoons and squirrels to bats and opossums.

Licensed and Insured: Waltham Pest Control is fully licensed and insured, ensuring that their services meet all local and federal regulations. This is particularly important for humane treatment and wildlife relocation, as it guarantees that the animals are handled safely and legally.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Pest control can be expensive, but Waltham Pest Control offers cost-effective solutions custom to your specific needs. They provide a range of services, from live trapping to exclusion techniques, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

Comprehensive Services: Unlike some companies that only focus on one aspect of pest control, Waltham Pest Control offers a full suite of services. This includes property inspection, damage assessment, exclusion techniques, humane removal, and prevention strategies. Their holistic approach ensures that once the animals are removed, they won’t come back.

Professional Expertise: The team at Waltham Pest Control is made up of trained professionals who use the latest technologies and methods. This expertise is vital for effectively and humanely managing nuisance animals, ensuring both your safety and the animals’ well-being.

By choosing Waltham Pest Control, you’re opting for a service that combines experience, professionalism, and a commitment to humane and effective pest management. For more information on their services, visit their website.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nuisance Animal Control in North Andover

What are the most common nuisance animals in North Andover?

In North Andover, several wild animals frequently cause problems for homeowners:

  • Raccoons: Known for their dexterous paws and masked faces, raccoons are common in both urban and suburban areas. They often raid garbage bins and can carry diseases like rabies and raccoon roundworm.
  • Squirrels: Gray squirrels are abundant and often chew their way into homes, causing damage and potentially spreading diseases.
  • Bats: While beneficial for controlling insect populations, bats can become a nuisance when they roost in attics. They can carry rabies, and their droppings may lead to respiratory illnesses like Histoplasmosis.

How can I prevent animals from entering my home?

Preventing nuisance animals from entering your home involves several proactive steps:

  • Sealing Entry Points: Inspect your home for any gaps or holes, especially around the roofline, vents, and foundation. Use materials like steel mesh or caulk to seal these potential entry points.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine checks around your property to ensure no new entry points have developed. Look for signs of animal activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or nests.
  • Habitat Modification: Remove food sources by securing trash bins, storing pet food indoors, and cleaning up fallen fruit from trees. Trim tree branches that are close to your home to prevent animals from gaining easy access to your roof.

What should I do if I find a wild animal in my home?

If you encounter a wild animal in your home, follow these steps:

  • Avoid Direct Contact: Do not try to handle the animal yourself, as this can be dangerous. Wild animals can bite or scratch, and they may carry diseases.
  • Contact Professionals: Reach out to a professional pest control service like Waltham Pest Control. They have the expertise and tools to safely and humanely remove the animal from your home.
  • Secure the Area: If possible, close off the room or area where the animal is located to prevent it from moving further into your home.

By following these steps and utilizing professional services, you can effectively manage and prevent nuisance animal problems in North Andover. For more detailed information on dealing with specific animals, visit the Waltham Pest Control website.


Dealing with nuisance animals in North Andover can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. At Waltham Pest Control, we understand the stress and potential dangers that come with wildlife intrusions. Our team is dedicated to providing humane and effective solutions to ensure your home and property are safe.

With over 40 years of experience, we are equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle any wildlife issue you may encounter. Our services include:

  • Inspection and Identification: We thoroughly inspect your property to identify entry points and assess any damage.
  • Exclusion Techniques: We use methods like sealing entry points and installing barriers to prevent animals from entering your home.
  • Humane Removal Methods: Our trained professionals use live trapping and safe handling techniques to remove animals without causing them harm.
  • Prevention Strategies: We offer sanitization, habitat modification, and regular maintenance to keep your home animal-free.

Choosing Waltham Pest Control means choosing peace of mind. We are licensed and insured, ensuring that our methods comply with all federal and local regulations. Our goal is to provide cost-effective solutions that protect both your property and the local wildlife.

For more information on how we can help you with nuisance animal control in North Andover, visit our service page.

Let us help you reclaim your space and enjoy a safe, secure, and animal-free home.