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Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Removal: Tips and Tricks

by | Jul 16, 2024


How to remove a bald-faced hornet nest can be tricky and dangerous due to the hornets’ strong protective instinct. If you’re in a rush, here’s a quick overview:

  • Safety First: Always prioritize your safety with proper protective gear.
  • Time Matters: Early morning is the best time for removal when hornets are less active.
  • Professional Help Recommended: Pest control experts are trained for this job.

Bald-faced hornets are notorious for their aggressive behavior and painful stings. They build large, paper-like nests, often as big as a basketball, that can house up to 700 workers. These nests are usually found in trees, shrubs, or sometimes even under the eaves of buildings. Removing a bald-faced hornet nest on your own is fraught with risks and should ideally be handled by professionals.

I’m Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control with over 40 years of experience in safely managing pest issues, including how to remove a bald-faced hornet nest.

Let’s dive deeper into understanding these hornets and the best approach for nest removal.

Infographic on nest removal steps and safety tips - how to remove a bald faced hornet nest infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Understanding Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are fascinating yet formidable insects. Knowing more about them can help you understand why professional help is often the best route for nest removal.


Bald-faced hornets are often mistaken for other types of wasps or bees, but they have some distinct features:

  • Color: They have a black body with a white face, giving them a unique appearance.
  • Size: These hornets are larger than most yellow jackets, with workers ranging from 15 to 20 mm or more in length.


Bald-faced hornets are social insects, living in colonies that can house up to 700 workers. They are extremely protective of their nests and can become very aggressive if disturbed. Unlike bees, they can sting multiple times, making them particularly dangerous.


The diet of bald-faced hornets varies by age:

  • Adults: Primarily consume sugars like nectar and fruit juices.
  • Larvae: Fed solid foods such as insects and carrion brought back by the workers.


These hornets are most active during the day and usually build their nests in high, hard-to-reach places:

  • Nesting spots: Trees, dense bushes, under eaves, and sometimes in attics or sheds.
  • Nest structure: Their nests are made of chewed-up bark and wood mixed with their saliva, forming a paper-like material. Nests can grow as large as a basketball within months.


The life cycle of a bald-faced hornet colony starts in the spring:

  1. Queen lays eggs: The queen lays a single egg in each cell of the nest.
  2. Larvae development: Eggs hatch into larvae, which are fed by the queen initially and later by worker hornets.
  3. Expansion: Workers help expand the nest as the colony grows.
  4. Late summer: Males appear to fertilize new queens, ensuring the next generation.


As winter approaches, the colony’s dynamics change:

  • Queens: Fertilized females seek places to hibernate and will become next season’s queens.
  • Workers: The remaining members of the nest perish during winter. The nest itself is abandoned and will not be reused.

Understanding these aspects of bald-faced hornets can help you appreciate the complexity of their life cycle and why removing a nest is not a simple task.

Bald-faced hornet nest in tree - how to remove a bald faced hornet nest

Next, we’ll dig into why you shouldn’t attempt to remove a bald-faced hornet nest yourself.

Why You Shouldn’t Remove a Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Yourself

Removing a bald-faced hornet nest on your own might sound like a good idea, but it’s a risky business. Here’s why:


Bald-faced hornets are extremely aggressive. They are very territorial and will defend their nest fiercely. If they sense a threat, they can swarm and attack in large numbers. Unlike bees, bald-faced hornets can sting multiple times, making them even more dangerous.


Bald-faced hornet stings are painful. According to a beekeeper from a Quora post, their stings are many times worse than those of honey bees or yellow jackets. Getting stung by one hornet is bad enough, but imagine being attacked by a whole nest. The venom can cause severe pain, swelling, and in some cases, allergic reactions that may require medical attention.

DIY Risks

Attempting to remove a nest yourself comes with several risks:

  • Inadequate Equipment: Most people don’t have the right protective gear. A regular jacket and gloves won’t cut it.
  • Improper Techniques: Spraying the nest with insecticide or using makeshift tools can provoke the hornets, making them more aggressive.
  • Limited Retreat Options: Without a proper escape plan, you could find yourself trapped and surrounded by angry hornets.

A professional would use a bee suit and specialized equipment to safely remove the nest without the risks associated with DIY methods.

Professional Pest Control

Hiring a professional pest control service like Waltham Pest Control is the safest and most effective way to handle a bald-faced hornet nest. Professionals have:

  • Proper Training: They know how to approach the nest and what methods to use.
  • Specialized Equipment: They use protective gear and tools designed for safe removal.
  • Experience: They’ve done this many times before and know exactly what to expect.

In the next section, we’ll cover how to remove a bald-faced hornet nest if you still decide to tackle it yourself.

How to Remove a Bald-Faced Hornet Nest

Step-by-Step Guide to Safe Removal

Removing a bald-faced hornet nest yourself can be risky. These hornets are aggressive and their stings are very painful. If you’re determined to handle this on your own, follow these steps carefully.

Early Morning Removal

The best time to remove a bald-faced hornet nest is early in the morning. At sunrise, temperatures are cooler, and all the hornets are likely to be inside the nest. This makes them less active and less likely to attack.

Protective Gear

Before you start, make sure you’re wearing protective gear. A heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat can help protect you. If you have a face shield, wear it. The more you cover, the better. Some people even recommend using a bee suit for maximum protection.

Hornet Spray

You’ll need a can of hornet spray. Make sure it’s designed for long-range use so you can keep a safe distance.

Retreat Plan

Have a safe place to retreat to after you spray the nest. This could be inside your house or a car. Make sure it’s close enough to reach quickly.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Spray the Entrance
  2. Stand a safe distance away and aim the hornet spray at the entrance of the nest. Drench the opening thoroughly.
  3. Poke a Hole (Optional)
  4. If you’re feeling brave, use a long stick to poke a hole in the nest. This allows you to spray directly inside. Be cautious—this step increases your risk of being stung.
  5. Drench the Interior
  6. Spray inside the nest through the hole you made. Make sure to drench the interior thoroughly. This ensures that the poison reaches all the hornets.
  7. Retreat
  8. Quickly retreat to your safe place and let the spray work.
  9. Repeat if Necessary
  10. Check the nest at the end of the day. If hornets are still active, repeat the process the next morning.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully removing the nest. However, professional help is always the safest option.

Professional Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Removal Services

When it comes to removing a bald-faced hornet nest, safety should be your top priority. Bald-faced hornets are aggressive and can sting multiple times, making DIY removal risky. This is where Waltham Pest Control steps in with their expert services.

Expertise and Safety

Waltham Pest Control has years of experience in dealing with stinging insects like bald-faced hornets. Their technicians are highly trained and know exactly how to handle these pests safely. According to a Forbes article, hiring a professional is the best way to ensure your safety and effectively remove the nest.

Protective Equipment

One of the key advantages of hiring professionals is their use of protective equipment. Waltham Pest Control technicians wear specialized bee suits that cover them from head to toe, preventing any chance of getting stung. This gear is essential for safely approaching and treating the nest.

Effective Methods

The methods used by Waltham Pest Control are both effective and safe. They use professional-grade insecticides and tools like the Pro Blow Handheld Pesticide Duster to ensure that the poison reaches all parts of the nest. This is crucial because, as noted in the research, simply spraying the exterior of the nest is not enough.

Comprehensive Service

From the initial inspection to the final removal, Waltham Pest Control provides a comprehensive service. They will:

  1. Inspect the area to identify the nest’s location and size.
  2. Apply the appropriate treatment using safe and effective methods.
  3. Monitor the nest to ensure that all hornets are eliminated.
  4. Remove the nest safely once it’s confirmed inactive.

By choosing Waltham Pest Control, you’re opting for a service that prioritizes your safety and ensures the complete removal of the hornet nest. This is especially important because, as noted in the Waltham Pest Control blog, trying to remove a nest on your own can lead to multiple stings and potential allergic reactions.

For a safe and effective solution to your bald-faced hornet problem, trust the experts at Waltham Pest Control. Contact them today to schedule your nest removal service.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bald-Faced Hornet Nest Removal

Are bald-faced hornets dangerous?

Yes, bald-faced hornets are dangerous. They are extremely territorial and will defend their nest aggressively. Unlike bees, they can sting multiple times without losing their stinger. This makes them particularly hazardous if you accidentally get too close to their nest.

Their stings are not only painful but can also trigger allergic reactions in some people. If you are stung and experience severe swelling, difficulty breathing, or other alarming symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

When is the best time to remove a bald-faced hornet nest?

The best time to remove a bald-faced hornet nest is early morning. During this time, the temperatures are cooler, and most of the hornets are at home and less active. This makes it easier and safer to approach the nest.

Wearing protective gear is essential. Use a hornet spray to drench the entrance of the nest. If necessary, poke a small hole and spray the interior. Always have a retreat plan ready, as hornets will become aggressive quickly.

Can I remove a bald-faced hornet nest in winter?

Yes, you can remove a bald-faced hornet nest in winter. During the colder months, the colony dies off, leaving only the queen to hibernate. This makes it a safer time to remove the nest since there are fewer active hornets.

However, the nest itself is abandoned and won’t be reused by the hornets. Removing it during winter ensures that no new colony will occupy it come spring.

For a safe and effective solution to your bald-faced hornet problem, trust the experts at Waltham Pest Control. Contact them today to schedule your nest removal service.


When it comes to bald-faced hornet nest removal, safety should always come first. These hornets are incredibly aggressive and can sting multiple times, making DIY removal risky and dangerous.

Professional Help

Waltham Pest Control offers professional services that ensure the safe and effective removal of bald-faced hornet nests. Our team is equipped with the necessary protective gear and expertise to handle these aggressive insects. We understand the behavior and nesting habits of bald-faced hornets, allowing us to remove the nest with minimal risk to you and your family.

Safety First

Attempting to remove a bald-faced hornet nest on your own can lead to serious injury. These insects are easily agitated and will defend their nest aggressively. Instead of risking painful stings, let our professionals handle the job. We use specialized equipment and proven techniques to ensure the nest is completely eradicated.

Trust the Experts

For a safe and effective solution to your bald-faced hornet problem, trust the experts at Waltham Pest Control. Our experienced technicians will remove the nest quickly and safely, giving you peace of mind.

Don’t delay—contact us today to schedule your nest removal service and ensure your home remains hornet-free.

Your safety is our priority. Let us handle the hornets so you can enjoy your yard without worry.