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Hornet Nest Removal: Tips and Best Practices

by | Jul 25, 2024


Importance of Safe Hornet Nest Removal

Hornet nest removal is a critical task for maintaining safety around your home or business. Hornets can become very aggressive if disturbed, making their nests a significant hazard, especially when they’re located near doors, windows, or high-traffic areas. Here’s what you need to know:

Quick Answer: How to Remove a Hornet’s Nest Safely
1. Wear Protective Gear: Thick clothes, gloves, and goggles.
2. Choose the Right Time: Best done at night when hornets are less active.
3. Use the Right Tools: Insecticide sprays designed for hornets.
4. Proper Disposal: Destroy and remove the nest safely.

Hornets play an essential role in controlling pest populations but can pose safety risks if their nests are too close to humans. Nest removal must be approached with caution to avoid painful stings and potential allergic reactions.

I’m Peter Rania, President of Waltham Pest Control, with over 40 years of experience in pest management, including hornet nest removal. My team and I are dedicated to ensuring your space is safe and free from these aggressive insects.

Steps for Safe Hornet Nest Removal Infographic - hornet nest removal infographic process-5-steps-informal

Identifying Hornets and Their Nests

What Do Hornets Look Like?

Hornets are large, slender insects with distinct features. They have long antennae, narrow waists, and long stingers. Their eyes are prominent and located on the front of their heads. Hornets also have a single pair of wings, usually transparent brown, but the color can vary by species.

Size: Hornets can grow up to over two inches in length, making them significantly larger than common wasps.

Color: The color patterns of hornets vary, but they often have a combination of black, yellow, and brown.

What Do Hornet Nests Look Like?

Hornet nests are usually football-shaped and gray-tan in color. This appearance comes from hornets using chewed wood to build their nests.

Entry/Exit Point: There’s always a distinct entry/exit point near the bottom of the nest.

Material: The nests are made from a paper-like substance, which hornets create by chewing wood fibers mixed with their saliva.

Where Are Hornets and Their Nests Usually Found?

Hornet nests can be found in various locations, often in sheltered areas. Here are some common places:

  • Trees: High branches in trees make ideal spots for hornet nests.
  • Attics: Hornets like the quiet and dark environment of attics.
  • Underground: Though less common, some hornets build their nests below ground, posing hidden dangers.
  • Structures: Hornets may also nest in garages, sheds, or under roof eaves.

Types of Hornets

Only a few types of hornets are commonly found in North America. Here are some of the most notable ones:

Asian Giant Hornet

Size: Up to 1.75 inches
Appearance: Light orange head, brown to black abdomen with yellow-orange bands.

European Hornet

Size: About 1 inch
Appearance: Red and yellow head, brown and red striped abdomen.
Note: The most common hornet in the United States.

Yellow Hornet

Size: About 0.91 inches
Appearance: Black and yellow stripes from face to tail, transparent yellow wings.

Oriental Hornet

Size: Approximately 1.38 inches
Appearance: Reddish brown with bright yellow patches on the face and thick yellow bands on the abdomen.

Black-Tailed Hornet

Size: 1.26 inches
Appearance: Yellow head, black thorax, yellow and black banded abdomen with a black tail.

Signs of a Hornet Infestation

Signs of a hornet infestation are usually clear and shouldn’t be ignored. Here’s what to look for:

  • Increased Activity: Noticing more than a couple of hornets in the same area is a red flag.
  • Aggressive Behavior: Hornets become very aggressive near their nesting site.
  • Buzzing Sound: A low buzzing sound around a specific area can indicate a nearby nest.

Identifying hornets and their nests accurately is the first step in addressing an infestation. For more detailed information on hornet species and their behavior, check out our guide on hornet identification on our Waltham Pest Control blog.

Protective Gear and Safety Measures

When it comes to hornet nest removal, safety is the top priority. These insects are known for their aggressive behavior, especially when their nest is threatened. Proper protective gear can make all the difference.


Wear thick clothing that covers every part of your body. This includes:

  • Long-sleeved shirts and pants: Make sure your sleeves and pant legs are secured with elastic bands to prevent hornets from flying underneath.
  • Hoodies or jackets: These provide an extra layer of protection.

Masks and Goggles

Protect your face with a mask and goggles:

  • Masks: A protective mask shields your face from potential stings.
  • Goggles: These protect your eyes from both hornets and insecticide spray.

protective gear for hornet removal - hornet nest removal


Heavy-duty gloves are essential to protect your hands from stings. Opt for gloves that are:

  • Thick and durable: Leather or rubber gloves are ideal.
  • Long: They should extend up your forearms for added protection.

Bee Suits

For maximum safety, consider wearing a bee suit. These suits are designed to cover your entire body and offer the highest level of protection. They typically include:

  • Full-body coverage: From head to toe.
  • Integrated veil: Protects your face and neck without limiting visibility.

A user on Reddit shared their experience: “Wear jeans and a sweatshirt, layers, just in case. But my advice, shoot the thing and run. Don’t look. Don’t wait around to see if it worked. Run.”

Summary Table

Gear Purpose Key Features
Clothing Covers body to prevent stings Thick, long-sleeved, elastic bands
Mask Protects face Covers nose and mouth
Goggles Protects eyes Clear, durable lenses
Gloves Protects hands and forearms Thick, long, durable material
Bee Suit Full-body protection Covers head to toe, integrated veil

Even with the best protective gear, hornet nest removal can be dangerous. If you’re unsure about your safety, it’s always best to call a professional.

Next, we’ll discuss the best time for hornet nest removal to ensure your safety and effectiveness.

Best Time for Hornet Nest Removal

Evening and Night: The Safest Times

The best time for hornet nest removal is during the evening or at night. Hornets are less active after the sun goes down, which makes them easier to handle. During the day, hornets are busy flying around and can become very aggressive if disturbed. But at night, they return to their nests and settle down.

Hornet Activity: Why Timing Matters

Hornets are most active during daylight hours. They leave the nest to search for food and build their colony. This high activity level makes daytime removal very risky. At night, hornets are less likely to attack because they are resting. This is why waiting until evening or night can make a big difference in safety.

Safety First: Plan Ahead

Safety is crucial when dealing with hornets. Here are some steps to follow to ensure a safe removal process:

  • Scout the Area: Before it gets dark, check the area around the nest. Make sure there are no obstacles that could trip you up in the dark.
  • Use a Flashlight: When you approach the nest at night, use a flashlight to see clearly, but avoid shining it directly into the nest. This can agitate the hornets.
  • Stand Back: Use an insecticide that can spray from at least 15 feet away. This allows you to stay at a safe distance while applying the spray.

Real Stories and Tips

One homeowner shared their experience on Reddit: “Wait until the sun sets to make your move… use the spray from as far away as you can, 20 or 30 feet. Shoot the thing and run. Don’t look. Don’t wait around to see if it worked. Run.”

Another user suggested, “Spray it in the late afternoon and launch your attack. Spray 2 cans simultaneously at the nest emptying as much as you can until you feel like you need to retreat.”

These real-life tips highlight the importance of timing and preparation. Always prioritize your safety and plan your actions carefully.

Next, we will outline the steps for a DIY hornet nest removal to help you tackle this task effectively.

DIY Hornet Nest Removal Steps

Removing a hornet’s nest yourself can be risky, but with the right planning and precautions, it can be done safely. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Planning

Before you start, make sure you have a clear plan. Identify the nest location and ensure you have all necessary supplies ready. Choose the best time to act—late evening or night when hornets are less active.

2. Protective Gear

Wear thick clothing that covers your entire body. Use elastic around sleeves and pant legs to prevent hornets from crawling inside. Add a protective mask, goggles, and heavy gloves for extra safety.

3. Insecticide

Purchase a hornet killer spray from your local hardware store. Choose one that can shoot a concentrated stream of insecticide at least 10-15 feet. Test the spray to understand its range before using it on the nest.

4. Approach the Nest

At night, approach the nest carefully with the insecticide in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Stand at the maximum range of your spray.

5. Saturate the Nest

Light up the nest with your flashlight and saturate it with the insecticide. Spray until the nest is thoroughly soaked. Then, leave the area immediately.

6. Disposal

Wait until the next morning to ensure all the hornets are dead. Put on your protective gear again and remove the nest. Place it in a heavy-duty garbage bag and seal it tightly.

7. Cleaning

Clean the area where the nest was located with soapy water. This will help remove any remaining pheromones that could attract new hornets.

Safety Tip: If you feel unsure or the nest is too large, it’s best to call a professional. DIY removal is not worth the risk if you’re unprepared or allergic to stings.

By following these steps, you can safely remove a hornet’s nest from your property.

Next, we’ll discuss when it’s time to call in a professional for hornet nest removal.

Professional Hornet Nest Removal

When to Call a Professional

Removing a hornet’s nest can be extremely dangerous. If the nest is larger than a tennis ball or in a hard-to-reach place, it’s time to call a professional. Safety first—hornet stings can cause severe allergic reactions or even mass envenomation, which can lead to organ failure or death.

Quick Tip: If you’re unsure about your safety or have allergies, always opt for professional help.

Cost of Professional Removal

The average cost for professional hornet nest removal is about $375. Prices may vary based on the nest’s location and size. For example, nests inside wall voids will incur extra costs for accessing and repairing the wall.

Fact: It’s cheaper to hire a professional than to pay for an emergency room visit due to multiple stings.

Benefits of Professional Help

  1. Safety: Professionals wear protective gear and know how to handle aggressive hornets.
  2. Efficiency: They use specialized equipment and insecticides that ensure complete removal.
  3. Prevention: Experts can advise on how to prevent future infestations by eliminating food sources and nesting materials.

Case Study: A homeowner in Massachusetts tried to remove a large hornet nest on their own. They ended up in the hospital with multiple stings. A professional could have removed the nest safely and prevented this painful experience.

Why Choose Waltham Pest Control

At Waltham Pest Control, we specialize in safe and efficient hornet nest removal. Our trained professionals use state-of-the-art equipment and methods to ensure your home is hornet-free. We also provide tips on preventing future infestations.

Quote: “Hornets can sting multiple times, making them a serious threat. Always prioritize safety by calling in professionals,” says a Waltham Pest Control expert.

By choosing Waltham Pest Control, you ensure the safety of your family and home. Next, let’s explore how to prevent hornet nests from forming in the first place.

Preventing Hornet Nests

Preventing hornet nests around your home is crucial to avoid the risks and hassles of removal. Here are some effective strategies:

Food Sources

Hornets are attracted to food, especially sugary items and meat. Ensure that you:

  • Keep food covered: Whether it’s a picnic or a backyard BBQ, always cover food and drinks.
  • Clean up promptly: Dispose of food scraps and clean surfaces immediately after meals.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outside: This can also attract hornets.

Trash Management

Proper trash management is essential to deter hornets. Here’s how:

  • Use tight-fitting lids: Ensure all garbage cans have secure lids to keep hornets out.
  • Regularly empty trash bins: Don’t let waste accumulate, especially organic waste.
  • Clean bins frequently: Wash garbage cans to remove food residues and odors.

Tree Trimming

Hornets often build nests in trees and shrubs. Regular maintenance can help:

  • Trim branches: Keep trees and shrubs trimmed, especially those close to your home.
  • Remove dead wood: Dispose of dead branches and woodpiles where hornets might nest.
  • Check for nests: Regularly inspect trees and shrubs for early signs of nest building.

Exclusion Materials

Seal entry points to prevent hornets from entering your home:

  • Caulk gaps and cracks: Seal any gaps around windows, doors, and foundations.
  • Install screens: Use window and door screens to keep hornets out while allowing ventilation.
  • Check vents and chimneys: Ensure these are properly covered with fine mesh.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of hornets building nests near your home. If you do notice a nest forming, early intervention is key. For further assistance, our team at Waltham Pest Control is always here to help.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about hornet nest removal.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hornet Nest Removal

Can I remove a hornet’s nest myself?

Yes, you can remove a hornet’s nest yourself, but extreme caution is required. Hornets can be very aggressive and their stings are painful. If you decide to go the DIY route, make sure to:

  • Wear protective gear: Thick clothing, gloves, goggles, and a mask.
  • Choose the right time: Dusk or night when hornets are less active.
  • Use the right tools: Insecticide spray with a long reach (at least 15-20 feet).

If the nest is larger than a tennis ball or in a hard-to-reach place, it’s best to call a professional. Safety first!

What kills hornets immediately?

Insecticides specifically designed for hornets are the most effective. These sprays kill on contact and have a long reach, keeping you at a safe distance. Make sure to choose a product that is effective and suits your needs.

Tip: Spray the nest entrance thoroughly and wait a few days to ensure all hornets are dead before removing the nest.

What happens if you knock down a hornet’s nest?

Knocking down a hornet’s nest without proper precautions can be very dangerous. Hornets will aggressively defend their home and can sting multiple times. This can lead to mass envenomation, causing severe reactions or even death.

Always use insecticide first to kill the hornets before attempting to remove the nest. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s best to call in a professional.

For more detailed guidance or professional help, reach out to Waltham Pest Control. We’re here to ensure your safety and peace of mind.


Removing a hornet’s nest is a task that requires careful planning and safety measures. Hornets are aggressive defenders of their nests, and their stings can cause severe reactions. Always use insecticide first to eliminate the hornets before attempting to remove the nest.

If you feel unsure or uncomfortable, it’s best to call in a professional. At Waltham Pest Control, we prioritize your safety and provide expert services to ensure the job is done right.

Remember: your safety is paramount. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Reach out to us for professional help and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your hornet problem is being handled by experts.


Hornet Nest Removal: Tips and Best Practices

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