Newton, MA Exterminators: Who to Call for Pest Problems

Jun 24, 2024 | News


Exterminator in Newton MA: Who to Call for Pest Problems

If you’re in Newton, MA and need an exterminator, understanding the local expertise and specific pest issues in the area is key. Here are some top considerations:

  • Local Expertise Matters: Choose a provider who understands Newton’s unique pest issues.
  • Seasonal Pests: Be aware of common pests like carpenter ants and mosquitoes in the summer.
  • Professional Services: Opt for quick, effective, and professional solutions.

Nestled in Middlesex County, Newton, MA, has a rich history dating back to 1630. As charming and vibrant as “The Garden City” is, it faces its fair share of pests— from rodents to insects. Warm summers and cold winters create a perfect scenario for pests seeking refuge in homes and businesses. Knowing which exterminator in Newton MA to call is crucial for keeping these unwanted visitors at bay.

Hi, I’m Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control Co., Inc. With over 40 years of experience in the pest control industry, our team offers specialized services to tackle Newton’s pest challenges effectively.

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Why You Need Professional Pest Control in Newton, MA

Newton, MA, is a wonderful place to live, but it’s not immune to pest problems. The city’s mix of urban and suburban neighborhoods creates unique pest control challenges. This makes having a professional exterminator in Newton MA essential.

Pest Problems

Newton’s climate, with its warm summers and cold winters, is ideal for pests. Common issues include:

  • Rodent infestations: Mice and rats seek warmth in homes during the winter.
  • Insect swarms: Termites, ants, and wasps become active in the spring and summer.
  • Other critters: Squirrels, raccoons, and bats can also become a nuisance.

Professional Services

Professional pest control services offer several advantages:

  • Expertise: Trained exterminators know how to identify and treat specific pests.
  • Safety: Professionals use safe and effective methods, minimizing risk to your family and pets.
  • Efficiency: Quick and thorough treatments prevent pests from returning.

Local Expertise

Waltham Pest Control prides itself on having local experts familiar with Newton’s pest issues. Our team understands the specific challenges of both urban and suburban areas. For instance, urban neighborhoods may face more rodent and roach problems, while suburban areas might deal with termites and squirrels.

A local exterminator can respond quickly, often within hours, rather than days. This fast response can make a big difference in controlling an infestation before it gets out of hand.

Common Pests in Newton, MA

Newton, MA, is a beautiful place with a rich history and vibrant community. But like any area, it has its fair share of pests. Understanding the common pests in Newton can help you stay ahead of potential problems.

Seasonal Pests

Bees and Wasps

In the warmer months, bees and wasps become more active. These insects can be beneficial for pollination, but they can also be a nuisance or even dangerous if they nest near your home. Waltham Pest Control has experience safely removing nests to keep your family safe.


Mosquitoes are another summer pest. They breed in standing water, which means ponds and birdbaths around Newton homes can become hotspots. Not only are mosquito bites itchy and annoying, but they can also transmit diseases. Regular treatments can help reduce their numbers.

Household Pests


When the weather cools down, mice look for warm places to nest. Your garage or basement could be their next home. They can chew through wires, contaminate food, and spread diseases. Waltham Pest Control uses effective methods to keep these rodents out.


Ants are a common problem year-round. Carpenter ants are particularly troublesome because they can damage the wood in your home. Regular inspections and treatments can prevent an infestation from getting out of hand.


Termites are silent destroyers. They can cause significant damage to the structure of your home if left unchecked. Professional termite control is essential to protect your property. Waltham Pest Control offers comprehensive termite treatments.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny but can cause big problems. They hide in mattresses and furniture, making them hard to eliminate. Professional heat treatments and other methods are often necessary to fully eradicate them.

By understanding the common pests in Newton, you can take proactive steps to protect your home.

Top Pest Control Methods

When dealing with pests, knowing the right methods can make all the difference. Here’s a look at the most effective pest control techniques used by an exterminator in Newton MA.

Heat Treatments

Heat treatments are highly effective for pests like bed bugs and termites. By raising the temperature in your home to a level that kills pests, this method eliminates infestations without chemicals. It’s particularly useful for bed bugs, which are resistant to many pesticides.

Freezing Treatments

Freezing treatments work by exposing pests to extremely low temperatures. This method is effective for pests like beetles and some types of moths. It’s a chemical-free option that can be used in sensitive environments.


Traps are a straightforward way to capture and remove pests. There are various types, including:

  • Glue traps for insects like spiders and ants.
  • Snap traps for rodents like mice and rats.
  • Live traps for larger pests like raccoons and squirrels.


Barriers are preventive measures that stop pests from entering your home. These can include:

  • Physical barriers, like screens and door sweeps.
  • Chemical barriers, such as perimeter sprays.

Chemical Pesticides

Chemical pesticides are a common method for controlling pests. They come in various forms, including sprays, powders, and baits. While effective, it’s crucial to use them correctly to avoid health risks.


Fumigation involves sealing your home and filling it with a gas that kills pests. This method is often used for severe infestations of termites or bed bugs. It requires professional handling and temporary evacuation of your home.


Rodenticides are poisons specifically designed to control rodents. They are usually placed in bait stations to prevent accidental ingestion by pets or children. This method is effective but should be used with caution.

Mechanical Devices

Mechanical devices include tools like:

  • Ultrasonic repellents that emit sounds to deter pests.
  • Electric traps that kill pests on contact.


Repellants are substances that keep pests away. They can be natural, like essential oils, or chemical-based. They are ideal for preventing infestations rather than eliminating existing ones.

Using the right pest control method can effectively address your pest problems. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to choose the right exterminator in Newton MA, to ensure you get the best service for your needs.

Exterminator in Newton MA: Choosing the Right Service

When dealing with pests, choosing the right exterminator in Newton MA is crucial. Here’s what you need to know to make the best choice.

Inspection and Assessment

The first step in effective pest control is a thorough inspection. A professional will visit your home to identify the type and extent of the infestation. This initial inspection is essential for creating a customized plan tailored to your specific needs.

Quick Response: Look for a company that offers fast response times. Pests don’t wait, and neither should you.

Local Expertise: Companies familiar with Newton, MA, understand the local pest issues better. For instance, Waltham Pest Services has 130 years of experience in Middlesex County, making them a reliable choice.

Pest Prevention Plan

After the inspection, the next step is to implement a Pest Prevention Plan. This plan not only addresses current pest problems but also focuses on preventing future infestations.

Ongoing Maintenance: Regular maintenance is key. Whether it’s quarterly, bi-monthly, or monthly visits, ongoing checks ensure that your home stays pest-free.

Seasonal Treatments: Different pests are active in different seasons. For example, mosquitoes and wasps are more common in the summer, while rodents seek shelter in the winter. A good prevention plan includes seasonal treatments to tackle these specific issues.

Future Prevention: The goal is long-term protection. This includes sealing entry points, removing standing water, and other proactive measures to keep pests out.

Choosing the right exterminator involves understanding their approach to inspection, assessment, and ongoing prevention. In the next section, we’ll dive into the costs associated with pest control services in Newton, MA.

Cost of Pest Control in Newton, MA

When it comes to pest control in Newton, MA, understanding the costs involved can help you make an informed decision. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect.

Average Costs

The average cost for pest control services in Newton, MA is $175. However, this can vary based on several factors:

  • Annual Visits: Typically range from $100 to $500.
  • Quarterly Visits: Average around $100 to $300 per visit.
  • Monthly Visits: Usually cost $40 to $70 per visit.

Factors Affecting Cost

Several factors can influence the total cost of pest control services:

  • Infestation Size: Larger infestations require more resources and time.
  • Type of Pest: Different pests require different treatments.
  • Number of Visits: More frequent visits can increase costs.
  • Treatment Method: Some methods are more expensive than others.

Cost by Pest Type

Different pests come with different price tags for extermination. Here’s a quick look at what you might expect to pay:

  • Ants: Getting rid of ants usually costs between $100 and $300.
  • Mice: Extermination costs for mice range from $150 to $300.
  • Termites: These are more expensive to deal with, costing anywhere from $230 to $2,500 or more, depending on the damage.
  • Roaches: Cockroach treatments typically range from $100 to $300.

Understanding these costs can help you budget for pest control services and choose the best plan for your needs.

Next, we’ll address some common questions about hiring an exterminator in Newton MA.

Frequently Asked Questions about Exterminator Newton MA

How much is a pest control service?

The cost of pest control services can vary widely based on the type of pest and the extent of the infestation. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Ants: $100 to $300
  • Mice: $150 to $300
  • Termites: $230 to $2,500 or more, depending on the damage
  • Roaches: $100 to $300

Routine visits typically cost between $100 and $500. For a more accurate quote, it’s best to contact a local exterminator for a free assessment.

Is it worth calling an exterminator?

Absolutely. Professional exterminators have the training and tools to effectively and safely eliminate pests. Here are a few reasons why calling an exterminator is worth it:

  • Expertise: Professionals know how to identify and deal with various pests.
  • Safety: They use safe and approved methods to eliminate pests without harming your family or pets.
  • Efficiency: Exterminators can quickly address infestations, preventing further damage or health risks.
  • Prevention: They can provide ongoing maintenance to prevent future infestations.

How often should I schedule pest control?

The frequency of pest control services depends on your location and the type of pests you’re dealing with. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Annual: For homes with minimal pest issues.
  • Quarterly: Ideal for maintaining a pest-free home year-round.
  • Bi-Monthly or Monthly: Necessary for severe infestations or homes near water sources, which attract more pests in spring and summer.

Discuss your specific needs with your pest control professional to determine the best schedule for your home.

Next, we’ll conclude with why Waltham Pest Control is your best choice for pest problems in Newton, MA.

Conclusion: Exterminator in Newton MA

When it comes to dealing with pests in Newton, MA, Waltham Pest Control stands out as the local expert. With over 130 years of experience in Middlesex County, we have the knowledge and skills to manage any pest issue you might face.

Our team is committed to providing quality service. We understand that pest problems can be disruptive and stressful, so we work quickly and efficiently. Our methods are not only effective but also safe for your family and pets. We use environmentally responsible techniques to ensure your home remains pest-free without harming the environment.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with our services. Our approach includes a thorough inspection, customized treatment plans, and ongoing maintenance to prevent future infestations.

Choosing Waltham Pest Control means choosing a company that understands the unique pest challenges in Newton, MA. Our local expertise ensures that we can address your pest problems effectively and efficiently.

Ready to protect your home from pests? Contact Waltham Pest Control today to schedule an inspection and take the first step towards a pest-free home.


Newton, MA Exterminators: Who to Call for Pest Problems

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