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Ant Infestation? Here’s How to Take Control and Get Rid of Them

by | Sep 6, 2024

Dealing with Ant Infestation: Top 5 Proven Solutions 2024


How to Take Control of Ant Infestation at Home

Dealing with ant infestation can be a frustrating ordeal, but it’s one many homeowners face. If you’re looking for immediate steps to handle this nuisance, here’s a quick overview:

  1. Identify popular hangouts – mainly kitchens, bathrooms, and basements.
  2. Eliminate water and food sources – clean up spills, fix leaks, and store food properly.
  3. Block off access points – seal cracks and gaps around your home.
  4. Clean up after pets – keep pet food in sealed containers and areas clean.

Ants are the number one nuisance pest in the United States, with over 700 species, and more than 20 types known to infest homes. Kitchens are especially susceptible due to the abundance of food and water.

By understanding where ants like to hang out and cutting off their food and water supplies, you can make your home less inviting. By sealing entry points and keeping your space clean, you can further minimize the risk of an infestation.

My name is Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control with over 40 years of experience. I specialize in dealing with ant infestation, ensuring that Massachusetts homes stay pest-free and safe.

Quick Tips for Dealing with Ant Infestation Infographic - dealing with ant infestation infographic pillar-4-steps

Understanding Ant Behavior

Identifying Ant Species

To effectively tackle an ant infestation, it’s crucial to understand ant behavior and identify the species invading your space. Here’s a simple breakdown of what you need to know:

Colonies, Queens, and Worker Ants

Ants live in colonies, which can range from a few dozen to millions of individuals. Each colony has a queen whose primary role is to lay eggs. Worker ants, which are usually sterile females, forage for food, care for the queen’s offspring, and maintain the nest.

These worker ants are the ones you typically see marching in lines, known as ant trails, in search of food and water.

Common Ant Species

In the United States, some common ant species that frequently invade homes include:

  • Odorous House Ants: These ants are small, about 1/8” to 1/4” long, and are black or dark brown. They emit a foul odor when crushed.
  • Little Black Ants: These tiny ants are jet black and about 1/8” long. They are common in the eastern U.S., Southern California, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Pavement Ants: These ants are about 1/12” to 1/16” long, black or dark brown, and often found in the Midwest.

Carpenter Ants vs. Termites

Carpenter ants are particularly troublesome because they can cause significant structural damage. Unlike termites, which consume wood, carpenter ants burrow into wood to create nests. Here’s how to tell them apart:

  • Carpenter Ants: Typically 1/8” to 1/2” long, these ants can be black, red, or a combination of colors. They do not eat wood but excavate it, leaving behind sawdust-like frass.
  • Termites: These pests are often mistaken for ants but have straight antennae, a broad waist, and equal-length wings. Termites eat wood and can cause extensive damage over time.

Ant Trails

Ant trails are a common sight and a crucial aspect of ant behavior. These trails are formed when worker ants release pheromones to guide others to food sources. By following these trails, you can often trace them back to the nest, which is essential for effective treatment.

Ant trails in kitchen - dealing with ant infestation

Understanding these key aspects of ant behavior and identifying the species can help you choose the most effective treatment methods. Next, we’ll dig into the best strategies for dealing with an ant infestation, including using ant baits and natural methods.

Effective Methods for Dealing with Ant Infestation

Once you’ve identified the ant species and their behavior, it’s time to take action. Here are some effective methods to get rid of ants and prevent future infestations.

Using Ant Baits

Ant baits are one of the most effective ways to deal with an ant infestation. These baits attract worker ants, which then carry the poison back to the colony, eventually killing the queen and other ants.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a popular ingredient in many ant baits due to its effectiveness. You can create your own bait by mixing boric acid with a food attractant like peanut butter or sugar water. Place the bait near ant trails to maximize its impact.

Placement Tips
– Place baits in areas where ants are most active.
– Keep baits away from children and pets.
– Replace the bait periodically to ensure freshness.

Boric acid is a popular and effective ingredient in ant baits. - dealing with ant infestation infographic infographic-line-5-steps-blues-accent_colors

Natural Methods

If you prefer a more natural approach, there are several household items that can help repel or kill ants.


A mixture of vinegar and water can disrupt ant trails and deter them from entering your home. Simply spray the solution along entry points and ant trails.


Borax mixed with sugar water can be used similarly to boric acid. The ants are attracted to the sugar and carry the borax back to the colony.

Herbs and Spices

Certain herbs and spices like cinnamon, mint, and cloves can repel ants. Sprinkle these around entry points and areas where ants are active.

Coffee Grounds and Citrus Peels

Both coffee grounds and citrus peels are natural ant repellents. Scatter them around your home’s exterior to keep ants at bay.

Outdoor Pesticides

For severe infestations, you may need to use commercial pesticides. These are often more potent and can be effective in eradicating large colonies.

Identifying Nests

First, locate the ant nests. Look for mounds of dirt, wood shavings, or trails leading to a specific area. This will help you target your pesticide application more effectively.

Insecticide Spray

Use an insecticide spray around the nest and potential entry points. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use.

Selective Pesticides

Choose pesticides that are specifically designed for ants. These are formulated to target ants while minimizing harm to other insects and the environment.

By combining these methods, you can effectively tackle an ant infestation and keep your home ant-free. Next, we’ll discuss how to prevent future infestations through sanitation, sealing entry points, and other strategies.

Preventing Future Infestations

After dealing with an ant infestation, the next step is to ensure they don’t come back. Prevention is all about making your home less attractive and accessible to ants. Here’s how you can do it:

Keeping Your Home Clean

A clean home is less inviting to ants. Here are some key practices:

Food Storage

  • Store food in sealed, pest-proof containers.
  • Keep ripe fruit in the refrigerator.
  • Wipe down sticky jars, especially those with honey, syrup, or soda.

Pet Bowls

  • Keep pet food and water bowls clean.
  • Store dry pet food in sealed plastic containers instead of paper bags.

Sweeping Floors and Wiping Surfaces

  • Sweep floors regularly to eliminate crumbs.
  • Wipe down countertops and surfaces to remove food residue.

Sealing Entry Points

Ants can enter through the tiniest cracks and crevices. Sealing these points can help keep them out.

Cracks and Crevices

  • Inspect your home’s foundation for cracks and seal them with silicone caulk.
  • Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes enter the home.

Windows and Doors

  • Seal around windows and doors.
  • Install weather stripping to close gaps.

Cables and Pipes

  • Seal around entry points for cables, wires, and pipes.


Landscaping can also play a role in preventing ants from entering your home.

  • Trim trees and bushes away from the house to eliminate bridges for ants.
  • Maintain a three-foot gap between vegetation and your home’s foundation.

Repairing Leaks

Ants are attracted to moisture. Reducing water sources can deter them.

  • Repair leaky pipes and faucets.
  • Check under sinks for areas of moisture.
  • Use a dehumidifier in damp basements, crawl spaces, or attics.

By following these steps, you can make your home less appealing to ants and prevent future infestations. Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about dealing with ant infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dealing with Ant Infestation

How to Get Rid of Massive Ant Infestation?

If you’re facing a massive ant infestation, you need to act fast and use effective methods. Here are some proven strategies:

Boiling Water
– Pouring boiling water directly into ant nests can kill many ants instantly. However, this method may not reach the entire colony.

Vinegar and Water Solution
– Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray this solution along ant trails and entry points. Vinegar disrupts ant scent trails and repels them temporarily.

Boric Acid
– Create a mixture with boric acid, sugar, and water. Place this bait near ant trails. Ants will carry the boric acid back to their colony, gradually killing the entire nest.

Chemical Ant Killers
– Commercial pesticides can be effective for severe infestations. These products often contain powerful chemicals that can eliminate ants quickly. Always follow the instructions on the label.

What to Do When You Have an Ant Infestation?

When you notice an ant infestation, it’s crucial to identify the type of ants and choose the right treatment:

Ant Baits
– Different ant species are attracted to different baits. For example, sugar-based baits work well for odorous house ants, while protein-based baits are effective for pavement ants. Place the bait near ant trails and let them carry it back to the colony.

Colony-Specific Treatments
– Some ants, like carpenter ants, require specific treatments due to their nesting habits. Identifying the ant species can help you choose the most effective method.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Ants?

If you need to get rid of ants quickly, here are some fast-acting solutions:

Vinegar and Water Solution
– This method is quick and easy. Spray a vinegar and water mixture directly on ants and their trails. The solution kills ants on contact and disrupts their scent trails.

Boric Acid
– Mix boric acid with a sweet attractant like sugar or peanut butter. Place the bait near ant activity. Ants will consume the bait and carry it back to their nest, killing the colony over time.

Chemical Ant Killers
– For immediate results, use chemical sprays designed to kill ants on contact. These products are effective but may not address the root of the infestation.

While these methods can provide quick relief, follow up with preventive measures to avoid future infestations. Next, we’ll discuss the importance of professional help and how Waltham Pest Control can assist you.


Dealing with an ant infestation can be challenging and frustrating. We’ve covered various methods to tackle these persistent pests, from using ant baits and natural remedies to applying commercial pesticides. However, while these methods can be effective, they often require time, effort, and persistence.

Importance of Professional Help

For severe or persistent infestations, professional help is crucial. Licensed pest professionals have the training, tools, and experience to identify the ant species, locate nests, and apply the most effective treatments. They can also provide valuable advice on preventing future infestations.

Ants can cause more than just a nuisance. Some species, like carpenter ants, can cause significant structural damage to your home, while others, like fire ants, pose health risks with their painful stings. A professional can ensure that your home is safe and free from these threats.

Waltham Pest Control

At Waltham Pest Control, we understand the importance of a pest-free home. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing effective and reliable pest control solutions. We offer comprehensive services to identify, treat, and prevent ant infestations, ensuring your home remains comfortable and safe.

Don’t let ants take over your home. Contact Waltham Pest Control today for a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan. Visit our House Ants Prevention and Treatment page to learn more about how we can help you keep your home ant-free.

By taking proactive steps and seeking professional assistance, you can effectively manage and prevent ant infestations, protecting your home and family from these unwelcome invaders.