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Ant Exterminators: How They Work and When to Hire One

by | Sep 12, 2024

Ants Exterminator: Top 10 Proven Solutions in 2024

Ants Exterminator: How They Work and When to Hire One

If you’re dealing with an ant infestation, you might need an ants exterminator for a lasting solution. These pesky insects can invade your home, searching for food and water, and they can be quite a headache to deal with on your own.

  • Here’s a quick overview of what an ants exterminator does and when to call one:
  • Identify the Ant Species: Knowing the type of ant you’re dealing with helps target the treatment better.
  • Inspect and Locate Nests: Professionals will find where the ants are coming from and locate their nests.
  • Select Effective Treatment: This may include non-repellent sprays, baiting systems, or perimeter treatments.
  • Implement and Monitor: Regular follow-ups ensure that the ant problem is completely eradicated.

Ant infestations can cause significant distress and even lead to structural damage in your home. It’s essential to address the problem effectively and swiftly. Pest control professionals, especially those specializing in ants, have the expertise and tools necessary to manage these infestations securely.

My name is Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control. With over 40 years of experience in pest control, I can assure you that our approach to handling ants is thorough and effective. Our team is equipped to identify, treat, and monitor ant infestations to keep your home safe and pest-free.

Ant Extermination Steps - ants exterminator infographic infographic-line-5-steps-colors

Now, let’s dive deeper into understanding ant infestations and the specialized techniques we use for effective control.

Quick ants exterminator definitions:
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ants control

Understanding Ant Infestations

Ants are social insects that live in colonies, and understanding their behavior and structure is key to managing infestations effectively.

Types of Ants

Different types of ants require different approaches for control. Here are some common types you might encounter:

  • Carpenter Ants: These ants are known for their large size and can cause structural damage by burrowing into wood. They leave behind wood shavings, known as frass, as they create their nests.

  • Fire Ants: Recognized by their painful sting, fire ants are aggressive and can be dangerous. They build large mounds and are typically found outdoors.

  • Odorous House Ants: Small and dark brown or black, these ants emit a smell similar to rotten coconuts when crushed. They often enter homes in search of food.

  • Crazy Ants: Named for their erratic movement, crazy ants are reddish-brown and can infest electrical equipment, causing damage.

Signs of an Ant Infestation

Knowing what to look for can help you identify an ant infestation early:

  • Frass: This is a telltale sign of carpenter ants. Frass looks like small piles of wood shavings and is usually found near wooden structures.

  • Ant Trails: Ants leave pheromone trails to guide their fellow workers to food sources. Seeing a line of ants marching across your floor or walls indicates an active infestation.

  • Nests: Outdoor nests often appear as small dirt mounds with a hole in the center. Indoor nests can be harder to spot but look for them in hidden, damp areas.

  • Swarming: Some ants, like carpenter ants, have winged swarmers that emerge to mate and start new colonies. Seeing swarmers indoors often means there’s a nest nearby.

Understanding these signs and types of ants can help you determine the severity of your infestation and the best approach to take. If you’re dealing with persistent ants or signs of structural damage, it may be time to call in a professional ants exterminator.

Ant Infestation Signs - ants exterminator

Next, let’s explore the techniques used by professional exterminators to tackle these pesky invaders.

DIY Ant Control Methods

When ants invade, many homeowners first turn to DIY methods. These strategies often use natural ingredients and household items. Let’s explore some common DIY remedies and their pros and cons.

Natural Remedies

White Vinegar: Mixing equal parts white vinegar and water creates a spray that repels ants. Spray it along ant trails and entry points. The strong odor disrupts their pheromone trails.

Essential Oils: Oils like peppermint, tea tree, and neem can deter ants. Mix a few drops with water and spray around your home. These oils are safe but may need frequent reapplication.

Borax Mixtures

Boric Acid: Combine ½ teaspoon of boric acid with eight teaspoons of sugar and one cup of water. Soak cotton balls in the mixture and place them near ant trails. Boric acid is effective but can be dangerous if ingested by pets or children, so use it cautiously.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE): This fine powder is made from fossilized algae. Sprinkle it around entry points and ant trails. DE is non-toxic to humans and pets but effective against ants. Avoid inhaling it, as it can irritate the lungs.

Boiling Water

Boiling Water: Pouring boiling water directly into ant nests can kill ants on contact. This method is simple but only partially effective, as it may not reach the entire colony.

Pros and Cons of DIY Methods

Pros: Some DIY methods, like boric acid and diatomaceous earth, can be very effective in reducing ant populations.
Cons: Many DIY solutions require frequent reapplication and may not eliminate the entire colony.

Pros: Natural remedies like vinegar and essential oils are generally safe for homes with pets and children.
Cons: Boric acid and diatomaceous earth can pose risks if not used properly. Always follow safety guidelines.

Pros: DIY methods are often inexpensive. Ingredients like vinegar, essential oils, and borax are readily available and affordable.
Cons: The cost can add up over time with repeated applications, and ineffective treatments may lead to more expenses.

While DIY methods offer a starting point, they may not always solve the problem entirely. For persistent infestations, structural damage, or safety concerns, hiring a professional ants exterminator can provide a more effective and long-term solution.

Next, let’s explore the techniques used by professional exterminators to tackle these pesky invaders.

Professional Ant Exterminators: How They Work

When DIY methods fall short, it’s time to bring in the professionals. Here’s how a professional ants exterminator works to rid your home of these persistent pests.

Techniques Used by Exterminators

Professional exterminators use a variety of techniques to ensure the complete eradication of ants. These methods are often more effective and safer than DIY solutions.


The first step is a thorough inspection. The exterminator will identify the type of ants, locate their nests, and determine how they are entering your home. This assessment is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.


Once the assessment is complete, the exterminator will choose the appropriate treatment methods. Common techniques include:

Non-Repellent Sprays: Unlike traditional sprays, non-repellent sprays, like Taurus SC, do not scatter the ants. Instead, ants unknowingly walk through the spray and carry it back to their colony, effectively spreading the treatment.

Baiting Systems: Baiting involves placing bait stations around your home. Ants collect the bait and bring it back to their colony, where it kills the entire population. Products like Maxforce Complete Granular are highly effective.

Perimeter Treatments: This involves treating the exterior of your home to create a barrier that prevents ants from entering. This method is often used in combination with other treatments to ensure long-term protection.

Cost of Hiring an Ant Exterminator

Professional ant extermination comes at a cost, but it can be a worthwhile investment for persistent infestations.

Average Costs

On average, hiring an ant exterminator costs around $150 for a one-time treatment. However, costs can vary based on several factors:

  • Initial Treatment: $150 to $300
  • Follow-Up Treatments: $40 to $70 each

Average cost of hiring an ant exterminator is $150, ranging from $80 to $500 depending on the infestation and treatment frequency. - ants exterminator infographic 3_facts_emoji_light-gradient

Factors Influencing Cost

Several factors can influence the cost of ant extermination:

  • Type of Ant: Carpenter ants are more expensive to treat than other types, with costs ranging from $250 to $500.
  • Size of Home: Larger homes require more treatment materials and time, increasing the cost.
  • Severity of Infestation: More severe infestations may require multiple treatments, adding to the overall cost.

Treatment Frequency

The frequency of treatments depends on the severity of the infestation and the type of ants. For some infestations, a single treatment may be sufficient. However, more severe cases often require multiple treatments over several months.

Professional exterminators also offer maintenance plans to keep your home ant-free. These plans typically involve periodic treatments and inspections to prevent re-infestation.

Hiring a professional ants exterminator ensures a thorough and effective solution to your ant problem. Next, we’ll discuss when it’s time to call in the experts and the benefits of professional extermination.

When to Hire an Ant Exterminator

Benefits of Professional Extermination

Sometimes, DIY methods just aren’t enough to handle an ant infestation. That’s when hiring a professional ants exterminator becomes essential. Here are the key benefits of going the professional route:

Persistent Infestations

If you’ve tried multiple DIY solutions and the ants keep coming back, it’s time to call in a professional. Ants are social insects that live in colonies, and if you don’t eliminate the entire colony, they’ll continue to invade your home. An exterminator can identify the colony’s location and use effective methods to eradicate it completely.

Structural Damage

Carpenter ants, in particular, can cause significant structural damage to your home. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood but excavate it to create their nests. This can weaken wood structures over time. A professional can identify and treat these infestations before they cause serious harm. For example, Waltham Pest Control has over 40 years of experience dealing with carpenter ants and can provide targeted treatments to protect your home.

Safety Concerns

Using chemicals and pesticides can pose risks to your family and pets. Professionals use products that are both effective and safe when applied correctly. They have the training and expertise to handle these substances, ensuring your home remains a safe environment. For instance, non-repellent sprays like Taurus SC are used by professionals to avoid scattering ants and effectively target the entire colony.


Professional exterminators use advanced techniques and products that are more effective than most over-the-counter solutions. They can customize their approach based on the type of ant and the severity of the infestation. Products like Maxforce Complete Granular and Invict Xpress are examples of highly effective baits used by professionals.

Long-Term Solutions

Professionals don’t just eliminate the current infestation; they also provide long-term solutions to prevent future problems. This might include perimeter treatments, regular inspections, and maintenance plans. These proactive measures help keep your home ant-free year-round.

Case Study: A Persistent Problem Solved

One homeowner in Dover, MA, faced a persistent ant problem even after multiple DIY attempts. They finally called Waltham Pest Control, who identified a carpenter ant colony nesting inside the walls. Using a combination of non-repellent sprays and baiting systems, the exterminators eliminated the colony and provided a maintenance plan to prevent future infestations. The homeowner reported no further issues and praised the thoroughness and effectiveness of the professional service.

Hiring a professional ants exterminator ensures a thorough and effective solution to your ant problem. Next, we’ll discuss frequently asked questions about ant exterminators to help you make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ant Exterminators

Will an Exterminator Get Rid of Ants?

Yes, a professional ants exterminator can effectively get rid of ants. Exterminators use advanced methods and products to target the entire colony, not just the visible ants. This is crucial because ants are social insects that live in large colonies. Simply killing the ants you see won’t solve the problem; the colony must be eradicated.

Professionals often use non-repellent sprays like Taurus SC, which are designed to be undetectable by ants. This means the ants won’t scatter and can carry the poison back to the colony, effectively killing it from within. Unlike DIY methods, professional treatments are thorough and designed to provide long-term solutions.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Ants?

The cost of hiring an exterminator varies based on several factors, including the size of your home, the level of infestation, and the type of treatment required. Here are some general cost ranges:

  • One-Time Treatment: For a 2,000-square-foot home, expect to pay around $160. For a larger, 3,500-square-foot home, costs can go up to $200.
  • Multiple Treatments: For ongoing issues, you might need multiple treatments. Four treatments per year can cost between $400 to $480, though some severe cases might go up to $1,400.

Several factors influence these costs:

  • Size of the Infestation: Larger infestations require more time and resources to treat.
  • Type of Ant: Some species, like carpenter ants, require more specialized treatments.
  • Frequency of Treatment: Persistent infestations may need regular treatments to keep ants at bay.

Is It Worth Spraying for Ants?

Spraying for ants can be effective, but it’s not always a permanent solution. Here’s why:

  • Effectiveness: Non-repellent sprays are highly effective for immediate relief. They work by being undetectable to ants, which allows them to carry the poison back to the colony. This can eliminate the entire colony over time.
  • Re-Treatment: Ants are persistent, and it’s not uncommon for them to return from neighboring properties. Regular re-treatments can help manage this issue.
  • Safety: Professional exterminators use products that are safe for your family and pets when applied correctly. They have the expertise to ensure that these treatments are effective without posing a risk to your household.

In summary, while spraying can be effective, it’s often best combined with other methods like baiting systems and perimeter treatments for long-term control.

Hiring a professional ants exterminator not only ensures the current infestation is dealt with but also provides preventive measures to keep your home ant-free in the future. Next, we’ll provide a summary and professional advice from Waltham Pest Control.


Dealing with ants can be a frustrating and ongoing battle. While DIY methods can offer temporary relief, they often fall short when it comes to eradicating entire colonies. Professional ants exterminators provide a comprehensive solution, targeting both the visible ants and the hidden colonies. This ensures a more effective and long-lasting result.

Waltham Pest Control brings over 40 years of experience in pest management, offering licensed, insured, and cost-effective solutions. Our expert team uses advanced techniques like non-repellent sprays, baiting systems, and perimeter treatments to tackle ant infestations thoroughly. We understand that each home is unique, and our customized plans reflect that.

If you’re experiencing persistent ant problems or have noticed signs of structural damage, it’s time to consider professional help. Our team at Waltham Pest Control is committed to providing safe and effective pest control services, ensuring your home remains ant-free.

For those in Eastern Massachusetts, particularly in Andover, you can contact us for professional advice and services custom to your needs.

Remember: Effective ant control is not just about eliminating the ants you see but addressing the root of the problem—the colony. Trust the experts at Waltham Pest Control to get the job done right.