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Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal: Tips and Techniques

by | Aug 9, 2024

Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal: Top 5 Effective Tips 2024


For those dealing with asian giant hornet nest removal, it’s crucial to act quickly and safely. Here’s what you need to know immediately:

  1. Identify the Hornet: Confirm it’s an Asian giant hornet.
  2. Use Protective Gear: Typical beekeeping suits are not enough.
  3. Apply Insecticide: Use a hornet-specific spray from a safe distance.
  4. Call Professionals: For large or hard-to-reach nests, seek expert help.

Asian giant hornet nest removal is a pressing concern due to these invasive species being a threat not only to humans with their painful stings but also to the honeybee population, essential for pollination. These hornets are the largest in the world, native to East Asia, and have recently spurred worries in North America for their potential ecosystem impact.

I’m Peter Rania, President & CEO of Waltham Pest Control. With over 40 years of pest control experience, I am committed to providing safe and effective solutions, especially for asian giant hornet nest removal.

Infographic highlighting steps for asian giant hornet nest removal and safety tips - asian giant hornet nest removal infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Asian giant hornet nest removal word guide:
best time to remove hornets nest
– how much does hornet nest removal cost
who to call for hornets nest removal

Identifying Asian Giant Hornets

Physical Characteristics

Asian giant hornets are the largest hornets in the world, growing up to 2 inches long. They have a wingspan of up to 3 inches. Look for their distinct yellow and dark brown stripes along the abdomen and their dark brown thorax. A unique feature is their vibrant yellow-orange heads. They also have large mandibles, which they use to decapitate honeybees.


These hornets are aggressive, especially when guarding their nests. They are known for their devastating attacks on honeybee hives, where they can destroy an entire hive in a matter of hours. They decapitate the bees and feed on their larvae and pupae. Besides honeybees, they also prey on other insects and consume proteins like trash and decaying organic matter.


Asian giant hornets prefer forested areas and woods. Unlike other hornets, they build their nests underground or in low spaces like rotting tree roots, hollow tree trunks, and abandoned burrows of rodents or snakes.

Asian giant hornet nest in a tree trunk - asian giant hornet nest removal

Threats to Honeybees

These hornets pose a significant threat to honeybees, which are crucial for pollination and the ecosystem. Their aggressive nature and efficient hunting can decimate honeybee populations, leading to broader ecological and agricultural impacts.

According to a recent study, the introduction of Asian giant hornets to North America could fundamentally alter ecosystems if not controlled. They are already causing concern in the United States due to their potential to spread and adapt to new environments, exacerbated by climate change.

Understanding these characteristics is essential for effective asian giant hornet nest removal and for protecting our local ecosystems.

Next, we’ll explore DIY Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal methods and safety precautions.

DIY Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal

Removing an Asian giant hornet nest yourself is risky but possible if you follow the right steps and take proper safety precautions. Here’s how you can do it:

Wasp Spray

First, you’ll need a strong wasp spray. Make sure to choose one that allows you to spray from a distance, at least 15 feet. This is crucial because Asian giant hornets can be very aggressive when their nest is disturbed.

Safety Precautions

Protective Gear: Wear a bee suit that’s as thick as possible. Typical beekeeping attire is not sufficient to protect you from Asian giant hornet stings. Ensure every part of your body is covered. Thick gloves, boots, and a face shield are essential.

Timing: Plan to remove the nest during the night. Hornets are less active and more likely to be inside the nest.

Backup: Always have someone with you who can help if things go wrong.

Entry Hole

Locate the entry hole of the nest. This is where the hornets enter and exit. You’ll need to target this spot with your wasp spray.

Tip: Approach the nest quietly to avoid alarming the hornets.

Repeat Treatment

One treatment may not be enough. Repeat the process over several nights to ensure all hornets are eliminated. Keep a close watch on the nest to see if there is any activity.

Note: If the nest is underground, like many Asian giant hornet nests, it can be even more challenging to eradicate them completely.

Warning: If you feel overwhelmed or unsafe at any point, it’s best to call a professional pest control service like Waltham Pest Control for help.

Next, we’ll discuss Professional Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal and why it might be the safer and more effective option.

Professional Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal

When dealing with Asian giant hornet nests, calling in professionals can be the safest and most effective choice. Here’s why:


The cost of professional asian giant hornet nest removal can vary widely. Factors such as the nest’s location, size, and accessibility can affect the price. On average, homeowners might expect to pay between $100 and $400 for removal. While this may seem steep, it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind and safety.

Pest Control Services

Professional pest control services offer several advantages:

  1. Expertise: Licensed professionals have the knowledge and experience to identify and handle Asian giant hornets safely.
  2. Tools and Equipment: They use specialized equipment, such as vacuum systems and carbon dioxide injection, to ensure all hornets are eradicated.
  3. Safety: Professionals wear protective gear that is more effective than standard beekeeping suits, which are not sufficient against Asian giant hornet stings.

Waltham Pest Control

At Waltham Pest Control, we provide comprehensive pest control services, including asian giant hornet nest removal. Our licensed professionals follow strict safety protocols to protect both you and your property.

Licensed Professionals

Licensed pest control professionals are trained to:

  • Identify the hornet species accurately.
  • Use safe and effective techniques for nest removal.
  • Prevent future infestations by advising on habitat modifications and monitoring.

Choosing professionals not only ensures the job is done right but also minimizes the risk to you and your family.

Next, we’ll explore Techniques for Safe Removal to understand the methods professionals use to handle these dangerous pests.

Techniques for Safe Removal

Removing an Asian giant hornet nest is a task that requires precision and safety. Here are the key techniques used by professionals:

Protective Gear

Safety is the top priority. Specialists wear white, astronaut-like protective suits to safeguard against stings. These suits include:

  • Thick gloves
  • Full-face shields or goggles to prevent venom from being squirted into the eyes
  • Heavy-duty boots for added protection

Chris Looney, a WSDA entomologist, emphasized the importance of this gear, noting that it helped keep everyone safe during a nest removal in Washington state.

Vacuum Method

One of the most effective techniques is using a specialized vacuum cleaner. This method was successfully employed by the WSDA team:

  • The vacuum has a long tube to reach deep into the nest.
  • It sucks up the hornets quickly, minimizing the risk of stings.
  • The captured hornets are taken back for inspection and research.

Looney described the process: “It was cold so they were docile, so between their slowness and the protective gear no one was hurt.”

Carbon Dioxide Injection

Another method involves injecting carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the nest:

  • CO₂ is pumped into the nest to anesthetize the hornets.
  • This makes them easier to handle and less aggressive.
  • It’s particularly useful for nests located in hard-to-reach places.

This technique ensures that the hornets are subdued before any physical removal begins.

Tracking Devices

Tracking devices play a crucial role in locating nests:

  • A small radio transmitter is attached to a captured worker hornet.
  • The hornet is then released and followed back to its nest.
  • This method led to the findy of the first nest in the US near Blaine, Washington.

These tracking devices are essential for finding nests that are hidden or in remote locations.

Together, these techniques ensure that the removal of Asian giant hornet nests is done safely and effectively. Professionals use a combination of protective gear, advanced tools, and precise methods to tackle these dangerous pests.

In the next section, we’ll discuss Preventing Future Infestations to help you keep these invasive insects away from your property.

Preventing Future Infestations

Preventing future infestations of Asian giant hornets on your property is crucial. Here are some effective strategies to keep these invasive insects at bay:


Regular monitoring is key. Keep an eye out for large-sized hornets, especially those with vibrant yellow-orange heads. If you spot one, follow it from a safe distance. They might lead you to their nest. Do not approach them closely. Instead, contact your state’s Department of Agriculture to report your sighting.

Habitat Modification

Asian giant hornets prefer nesting in underground spaces or hollow tree trunks. To prevent them from settling:

  • Clear debris: Remove rotting wood, fallen branches, and other debris from your yard.
  • Seal openings: Block access to potential nesting sites like hollow trees or abandoned burrows.
  • Maintain your garden: Regularly trim bushes and trees to reduce hiding spots.

Reporting Sightings

If you suspect Asian giant hornet activity, report it immediately. Quick action can prevent the hornets from establishing a foothold. Contact your local agricultural department or pest control professionals. They can take the necessary steps to investigate and address the issue.

Overwintering Queens

Overwintering queens are a significant concern. These queens survive the winter and start new colonies in the spring. To prevent this:

  • Inspect attics and crawl spaces: Queens often hibernate in these areas. Regularly check and seal any entry points.
  • Use insecticides: Apply products like Sylo Insecticide and D-Fense Dust around potential nesting sites. These can repel hornets and reduce their food sources.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of an Asian giant hornet infestation on your property.

Next, we’ll answer some Frequently Asked Questions about Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal to provide more insights on dealing with these pests.

Frequently Asked Questions about Asian Giant Hornet Nest Removal

How to get rid of an Asian hornets nest?

Removing an Asian giant hornet nest is a risky task. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Wasp Spray: Start by using a wasp spray designed for hornets. Spray the entry hole from a safe distance, at least 20 feet away. This will help kill the hornets inside.
  2. Entry Hole: Focus on saturating the entry hole of the nest. This ensures the spray reaches deep into the nest.
  3. Repeat Treatment: Monitor the nest for a few days. If hornet activity continues, repeat the spray treatment until all hornets are dead.

How do I permanently get rid of a hornets nest?

For a more permanent solution:

  1. Wasp Freeze: Use a wasp freeze spray. This type of spray immobilizes hornets instantly, preventing them from attacking.
  2. Nest Opening: Spray directly into the nest opening. This ensures that the spray reaches the queen and all worker hornets.
  3. Fast Kill: The fast-acting chemicals in wasp freeze sprays can kill hornets on contact, providing a quick and effective solution.

How much does it cost to remove a large hornets nest?

The cost of professional removal can vary:

  1. Cost Range: On average, professional removal of a hornet nest costs about $375. This can vary based on the nest’s location and accessibility.
  2. Factors Affecting Cost: The main factors include the size of the nest, its location (e.g., high up in a tree or inside a wall), and the difficulty of access.
  3. Professional Removal: Hiring licensed professionals, like those from Waltham Pest Control, ensures safe and effective nest removal. They have the expertise and equipment needed to handle these dangerous pests.

By understanding these frequently asked questions, you can make informed decisions about Asian giant hornet nest removal.


At Waltham Pest Control, we are committed to providing top-notch pest management solutions to our valued clients. Dealing with Asian giant hornet nest removal requires specialized knowledge and equipment, and our team is well-equipped to handle these challenging tasks.

We pride ourselves on our quality and commitment. Our licensed professionals are trained to safely and effectively remove hornet nests, ensuring the safety of your family and property. We use proven techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to manage and eliminate these invasive pests.

Serving Eastern Massachusetts, we understand the unique challenges that come with pest control in this region. Our goal is to provide reliable and efficient services, offering peace of mind to homeowners and businesses alike.

If you need assistance with Asian giant hornet nest removal or any other pest control services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Learn more about our services and how we can help by visiting our hornet nest removal page.

Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. Let us handle your pest problems so you can enjoy a hornet-free environment.